Back on track with Until October's new single, "Absentee"

by Britney McVey | October 7th, 2022

If you are a lover of pop-punk and have been searching for a new group to get into, look no further than Until October. The duo consists of friends Nick Garra and Alex Carlin who originally started the band in 2016 while in high school. As music lovers themselves, the pair's new single “Absentee” showcases their passion for creation through the energetic instrumental and narrative lyrics.

“'Absentee' is a song I wrote about three or four years ago about my dad. He left when I was a little over four years old and I haven’t spoken to him in years. The song is my way of getting everything I feel towards him off my chest,” Carlin said. “The song also has some of my favorite lyrics and guitar parts that I’ve ever written so I’m really happy it’s finally getting released. I hope other people that don’t have relationships with one of their parents can find some kind of catharsis in this song because it definitely does that for me.”

The lyrics in this song truly spoke to me as I grew up with an absent parent as well. In particular, “too busy, to even talk to me” led me to think about all of the unsaid thoughts left in my mind growing up with one parent. The instrumental is upbeat in comparison to the lyrics which are focused on such a somber topic, yet when paired together the perfect pop-punk abreaction was made. While many people find the topic of estranged parents hard to talk about, Until October did an amazing job of expressing their feelings while creating a piece that anybody can listen to.

If you can’t get enough of “Absentee,” be on the lookout for Until October’s next single, “Insomnia,” to be released on October 11th, and their full EP, Happiness is Fleeting, to release on October 28th. 


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